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Faik Krasniqi: Nese

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Faik Krasniqi: Nese Empty Faik Krasniqi: Nese

Mesazh nga Agim Gashi Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:27 pm

Faik Krasniqi: Nese 8733_1109994958632_1489610899_30269906_4300390_n

Faik Krasniqi: Nese

Nese diten e quaj te bukur

atehere ti je pjese e saj.

Nese bie shi pandale,

atehere e di qe ti po qan

Nese rrezet e diellit mua me

ngrohin,atehere ti je ajo

qe me jepe ngrohtesi

Nese naten e quaj te bukur

atehere ne te dy jemi bashke
Agim Gashi
Agim Gashi

Numri i postimeve : 45955
Age : 70
Location : Kosovë
Registration date : 17/11/2008

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