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Floresita Bossi:Tirana ime

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Floresita Bossi:Tirana ime Empty Floresita Bossi:Tirana ime

Mesazh nga Agim Gashi Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:59 pm

Floresita Bossi:Tirana ime 27432_100000459708475_4544_qFloresita Bossi


Te ty Tirane u linda e u rrita,
ti me dhe kulturen dhe lumturine,
e te ndjerit TIRONSE,
me rrite me uje SELITE.

Ti je qyteti im me i bukur ne BOTE,
nuk te nderroj me asnje qytet,
je kryeqyteti i endrrave te mia,
aty jetova ditet me te bukura.

Kudo qe te shkoj ty Tirana ime,
kurre nuk do te harroj,
do shetise kudo ne bote,
po zemer per mua je ti, Tirane.

Aty jetuam shume vite te bukura,
te shkolles, te punes, te aktiviteteve
me shoqerine Tiranse,
nuk di cfare te kujtoj me pare.

Tirana ime, Tirona e Tironsve,
kur dilnim ne qytet e tjera,
shume zili na kishin dhe na kane,
se jemi mjalta e Shqiperise.

Tirona ime nuk behesh kurre,
Tirona e te tjereve,
ti do mbetesh Tirona e Tironsve,
je drita e gjithe Shqiperise.

Kujtimet tona te Tironsve,
nuk kane mbarim,
kudo qe kalojme Tirona ime
na rrezaton si drite vezulluese.

Tironsit e Tironsat zemer bujare,
pranuan te gjithe ane e mbane Shqiperise,
kemi zemren e madhe,
kemi sofren e madhe,
ejani jetojeni Tiranen,
Tirana do mbetet e Tironsve.


The Tirana you were born and grew up,
to the culture and happiness,
TIRONSE of late,
with increased water Selite.

You are My beautiful city in the world
did not change with any city,
are the capital of my dreams,
there jetova beautiful days.

Wherever you go you my Tirana,
will never forget,
will walk all over the world,
heart for me is you, Tirana.

There lived many years of fine
school, work, activities
Tiranse society,
I do not know what to think before.

My Tirana, the Tironsve Tirona,
when we could go to other city,
many envy us and we have had,
Albania that are honey.

I do not ever become Tirona,
Tirona of others,
You will remain the Tironsve Tirona,
are the light of all Albania.

Tironsve our memories,
did not end,
wherever you pass my Tirona
radiates as us flashlight.

Tironsat Tironsit of generous heart,
All accepted all over Albania
We have great heart,
sofren have great
Come jetojeni Tirana,
Tirana will remain Tironsve
Agim Gashi
Agim Gashi

Numri i postimeve : 45955
Age : 70
Location : Kosovë
Registration date : 17/11/2008

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